So I had an assignment for school to do a video sermon... I know its not a "blog" but trust me a lot of my thoughts went into the preparation because it was for a grade. I seem to care about them more now than I did when I was younger. Anyway, I figure this video is post worthy and meets the requirements for my sporadic blog. I would like to thank blog extraordinaire Mary Hess ( for the assistance with correct embedding technique. Also, its a 22 minute video if you find yourself here without that much time there is the one sentence version. *Roles in the church lead to unity and maturity and not to appendicitis.*
Monday, December 10, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
guitars and amigos
well, I am back on the blog for the first time since June. I think I will blog about guitars today because I really like guitars. I am especially enamored with Fender guitars (@Fender) currently. The company has a long history and they make some really cool guitars. I recently purchased an American made Stratocaster which is a legendary guitar owned by the likes of Steve Ray Vaughn, Jimmy Hendrix, Eric Clapton and Ed Wilcox just to name a few. Guitars to me, are suppose to have a "sound" and there are several that do. This means that when you hear music you can pretty much guess what guitar or type is being played. There are a few such as the "tele" or "strat" sound made famous by Fender, which are my two favorites currently. Gibson and Gretsch are a couple other companies that have a "sound" for some models of their guitars. It isn't a coincidence that most of the models that have sounds are the ones that have been around the longest. Anyway, back to my love of Fenders... I don't really know what brought it on but possible the fact that I was raised around them and then the sound which from the strat and tele are just cool and smooth. These two models will play clean sounds with soft chime like tones and drive to the limits of hard rock. they are just well thought out instruments. Currently, I am using mine to explore blues music and sounds which even within that one genre there are a plethora of sounds. ("Jefe..., would you say I have a plethora of gifts?" "Yes, El Guapo you have a plethora!") So anyway, if you read this and love Fender guitars or blues music I would love to hear some blues bands to check out. or know why you like Fender. Also check out for any guitar or Telecaster info/chat and follow them on twitter @tdpri. You can also follow me if you want.. there is a link somewhere on the page and I usually retweet something from @fender every week but you should follow them yourself, its just a cool thing to do.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
intelligent design... I think so
well, I have managed to delay blogging for a while again. This time it wasn't schedule that kept me from blogging but relaxation. However, I have a new blog design that I wanted to use so I decided to write my thoughts. The blog design was done by Mary Hess designs and I have found it quite enjoyable to look at. Which is the point of this blog, my enjoyment. I do like to share in my enjoyment though and recommend everyone get a blog to enjoy and possibly hire Mary Hess designs to make it enjoyable for yourself to look at. My twitter page also was updated if you would like to follow my thoughts on there as well (arden370).
I really have lots of thoughts that I could blog about but the most consuming thoughts are about adaptation. The reality that all life is about adaptation to stimulation. Some adaptations seem to become habitual and leave the realm of adaptation but that process itself is an adaptation. Big adaptations and small adaptations have been motivating my thinking. I wonder what adaptations will beset my mind next. What adaptations are influencing your decisions? This blog and the choice it presents might bring about an adaptation. A simple one such as having a blog redesigned to further your enjoyment or maybe a great one like believing the truth about the world but if it is a small adaptation you want and it has to do with a blog you should click the advertisement for Mary Hess Designs on my blog because she is good at adapting your blog to your desires.
Have a nice day.
I really have lots of thoughts that I could blog about but the most consuming thoughts are about adaptation. The reality that all life is about adaptation to stimulation. Some adaptations seem to become habitual and leave the realm of adaptation but that process itself is an adaptation. Big adaptations and small adaptations have been motivating my thinking. I wonder what adaptations will beset my mind next. What adaptations are influencing your decisions? This blog and the choice it presents might bring about an adaptation. A simple one such as having a blog redesigned to further your enjoyment or maybe a great one like believing the truth about the world but if it is a small adaptation you want and it has to do with a blog you should click the advertisement for Mary Hess Designs on my blog because she is good at adapting your blog to your desires.
Have a nice day.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Its been a couple months since my last post and well its because I have been busy and I am actually busy while I write this. However, I don't want my blog to fade into the realm of once was when I am so clearly living in the now even though my favorite cartoon is underdog but that isn't relevant. Irony is fun... Anyway, I should get to what I was doing but I wanted to say Hi to the faithful blog surfers in the world who may by happenstance see my blog and wonder why has this person not blogged in 2 months... did they die? Nope just began to fade but like Marty Mcfly I won't fade out totally. Also if you have never heard of Joe Bonamassa, a blues guitarist, you should check him out. Its really good music even if he doesn't play tele's... the Dustbowl album is great. Black lung Heartache is one of my favorite songs right now.
also check out Mary Hess designs for all your blog and twitter design needs clicky clicky
also check out Mary Hess designs for all your blog and twitter design needs clicky clicky
Monday, February 27, 2012
work then play
back only after an extended stay in workville, but my blogville trip is only a pass through. I am working on a exegetical paper which may in some form reach this blog as it has sparked a rather awesome debate in my mind. I am however viewing the horizon of this project and it is looking blue in two shades. I am looking forward to some down time with my best friend. I believe it to be well deserved but often our perspectives find us deserving of something. Speaking of perspective I taught on that a couple weeks ago at New Day church, you can go listen if you want. sermons link... I also am looking forward to starting the SoM here in Summerville again, it should be fun and a great school of the heart. Sometimes the things we ponder also spark our creativity leading to amazing experiences. I hope the world is turning favorably for you since is isn't stopping soon... fyi soon is a relative term with only ambiguous definitions.... enjoy that for a while... (another ambiguous... are you getting this?)
Monday, January 30, 2012
school is in session.
I have been slowed, by school, in my blogging , but not in thought. However, sharing in my thoughts takes time which I don't have when I must read 254 pages, books in 2 days and write reports. I know that I am not alone in my work load and do not share to entice pity or inspire awe. I simply offer an excuse for lack of visitation to my digital journal of thoughts. It has been an interesting life for the last 4 weeks and more stressful than I care to talk about, but in the midst of it I have been challenged to respond how my beliefs would recommend. I have not been completely successful which I would not expect of myself but the occasion to fit beliefs into situations has been invaluable. I see myself with some blocks and a ball with cut-outs trying desperately to make it all work. I have every confidence in my Father to help me find the right fit but the realization of how my beliefs actually are utilized is becoming enjoyable in a scholastic methodology. That is to say, I am not always happy in the occasion but gaining a sense of contentment that only is found in one's favorite things such as a nice pour-over. I have had two today, as I read my book which is about interpretation. Such a fun topic and motivational... but that is for another time as I am just stopping by to deposit a couple thoughts and say hi
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
some thoughts on John the Baptist
Some text from a sermon series I wrote, I thought I would share. If this goes well I might share more of it.
John the Baptist, A Man Born with a Destiny
This brings up the questions, what is a destiny? And do I have a destiny? A destiny is often thought to be something uncontrollable, a simple plan that life will follow automatically. However, destiny can be more closely represented by the truth that God knows all of us (Luke 12:6-7) and wants to participate in our lives (Eph 3:20). We all have a destiny.
The Revelation: A delivered message
John the Baptist was the son of a Priest named Zacharias, who received a message from God. The story is told in Luke 1:8-25 and it begins with a revelation in the form of a delivered message. Zacharias had been chosen at this occasion to be the priest going into the Temple to offer incense. He was chosen by casting lots according to the customs of the priesthood, this is interesting because of what happens to him. When destiny is involved considering the source of the message is important. The scripture says that an angel of the Lord appeared to Zacharias while he was in the temple (1:11). This verse makes it clear that the Lord has a message for Zacharias.
The message from God is delivered by an angel. God wanted Zacharias to hear his message so He sent an angel. There are only a few accounts of angelic messages in scripture so the importance of the message is implied. The Gospel of Luke shows the relationship between John the Baptist and Jesus with their similar birth announcements and how John would be part of the larger salvation scheme.[1] As the message was delivered the destiny began on earth, the destiny must have been prepared before the message could be delivered.
The message was delivered to Zacharias the priest but why Zacharias? Who was this man that he should receive this message? The priesthood was not open to anyone, only descendants of Aaron from the tribe of Levi were allowed.[2] Zacharias was following in the family business; he had accepted the responsibility to serve the community. Also, Luke’s retelling of the message reveals that Zacharias and his wife Elizabeth were seeking God about having children (Luke 1:13). Zacharias was a man following and seeking after God and he received a message from God.
Zacharias received a message that his wife would have a son and he would be called John. This wasn’t all though, John was to be great in the sight of the Lord, filled with the Holy Spirit in the womb, and would bring people back to God (Luke 1:13-16). What a message, what a destiny. Is there a message for us about our destiny? There might not be an angelic visitation but God has left messages for us that pertain to destiny. The scriptures tell us that God knows every hair on our head (Luke 12:7), and Paul wrote that God is offering eternal life to anyone willing to accept it (Rom 6:23). These scriptures show that God has a general plan for everyone and even that God knows us all as individuals. God is with us, directing our steps, and caring for us.[3]
[1] Paul W. Hollenbach, “John the Baptist” The Anchor Bible Dictionary: Volume 3 Freedman, David Noel. (New York, NY: Doubleday, 1992),889.
[2] John Phillips, Exploring People of the New Testament (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 2007), 60.
[3] Andrew B. Davidson, The Called of God Edited by J.A. Patterson (Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1902), 231.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
love, sleep and a picture
Good day,
Friday, January 6, 2012
know what?
Well, I have had an interesting week full of mishaps and good news but those are the details that brought my thoughts around to the ideology that is "know thyself". The history of that statement is long and complex which is worth some study. However, I am not going there today. I began to wonder why I would want to know myself and I realize that knowing oneself does bring a sense of control but not self control. I tend to believe the Bible and the Scriptures say things about man such as "For from within, out of men's hearts, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery..." its in Mark 7. So on one hand knowing myself can bring focus to what comes naturally from my heart which is deceitful (Jeremiah 17:9). This thought of knowing a deceitful heart is not pleasant to me. I think that I would rather know God who does not lie. Also I/humanity is created in the image of God so by knowing God one can know how humanity should be. It is an interesting thought and I thought I would share it. I have decided to continue with the ideology of "know God". I have been working on that ideology for awhile and against the other I find the knowledge of God more appealing and satisfying. If anyone is interested in that, as well, and has no idea where to start I would suggest the Gospel of John found in the Bible. I also do not claim to be finished in my knowledge or even finished digesting this thought process but I wanted to blog to assist in unscrambling my egg which has been flipped once or twice this week. As always these are my thoughts and pondering and I hope you enjoy them
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