Monday, January 30, 2012

school is in session.

I have been slowed, by school, in my blogging , but not in thought. However, sharing in my thoughts takes time which I don't have when I must read 254 pages, books in 2 days and write reports. I know that I am not alone in my work load and do not share to entice pity or inspire awe. I simply offer an excuse for lack of visitation to my digital journal of thoughts. It has been an interesting life for the last 4 weeks and more stressful than I care to talk about, but in the midst of it I have been challenged to respond how my beliefs would recommend. I have not been completely successful which I would not expect of myself but the occasion to fit beliefs into situations has been invaluable. I see myself with some blocks and a ball with cut-outs trying desperately to make it all work. I have every confidence in my Father to help me find the right fit but the realization of how my beliefs actually are utilized is becoming enjoyable in a scholastic methodology. That is to say, I am not always happy in the occasion but gaining a sense of contentment that only is found in one's favorite things such as a nice pour-over. I have had two today, as I read my book which is about interpretation. Such a fun topic and motivational... but that is for another time as I am just stopping by to deposit a couple thoughts and say hi


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