This thing all things devours:
Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;
Gnaws iron, bites steel;
Grinds hard stones to meal;
Slays king, ruins town,
And beats high mountain down.
The answer is time, and not time I would want. It does seem to move with results unpleasant to some (Gollum ---->). The conundrum is that time is valued as we try to capture it with picture and tale. We long for a time and would give anything for a moment of it. Time, though is continually moving, being devoured, slaying those kings and bending the world as it travels on. We cannot stop time or go back in it. It cannot be bought, made or borrowed, time can only be had, wasted or spent. We can make the most of it, and let wisdom rule it and even ponder what is a momentous realization in the value of time. We have only a time and with it we can do things valuable to us and spend it on those worthy of it. Do not let time pass by and suffer decay as the lonely mountain which is full of dismay. Use time on the ones you love for just like your own, their moment in time is moving and you cannot catch or hold. So cherish your time as it moves quickly on. Cherish its present along with its past and hope for its future which surely will last. In all three tenses, value is found but the present is special for it is now. I will remember my times, and look forward toward but carry the precious now even more.